Corporation Annual/ Anniversary Party 公司年會/週年慶祝 You are invited to the 30th Anniversary Party of xxx (company name)
Please join us for an evening of good food, good wine and good show.
Annual party…a time of joy, a time of reflection, a time of reward. Would you like to join us?
Please be our guest at the fun and exciting Annual Party this year.
We are planning our 50th Celebration Party for xxx (company name), please let us know that you will be here.
xxx集團誠邀你參與公司成立10週年慶祝紀念活動。 誠邀每位爲公司出過一份力的員工參與本週日舉行的年會,屆時將爲你準備多款美食及禮品 爲了答謝大家今年的辛勤付出, 我們將舉辦史無前例的盛大公司年會! 屆時將會有很多驚喜等着你。記得不要錯過啊! Cocktail Party/Wine Tasting 公司酒會/品酒會
Come and join xxx (company name) for the seasonal Cocktail Party.
Raise your glass and celebrate in the cheers of the extraordinary Wine Tasting party.
You are invited! Please join us for some wine and cheese.
Put on your party dress/shoes! You are invited to a cocktail party. Celebrate the season with cocktail party and friends. 爲答謝客戶多年來的合作和支持,
我們於xx月xx日在xxx爲您準備了簡單而隆重的酒會, 歡迎屆時親臨現場。 歡迎各界紅酒愛好者出席最新精釀紅酒品嚐會。
好好享受美酒佳釀並期待送禮物的環節吧! 這個夏天點少得一個屬於美酒和甜品的午後。
本週三下午xx部門誠邀你參加我們的夏日品酒派對,將工作壓力通通釋放出來。 Employee Reward/ Appreciation Party 員工答謝/獎勵晚會 Because of your achievement at work, we’d like to invite you to our Star-of-the-year Party.
We appreciate your hard work during this year, so we organize the party to show our gratitude. Please come and join us.
With our sincere appreciation of your dedication at work, we warmly welcome you and your family to join our annual Employee Appreciation Party.
We want to thank you for being such a dedicated and loyal member of our team to make it successful, and we invite you and your family to share the joy with us in this upcoming party.
You are invited to join this delightful event of Annual Employee Reward. Please get yourself ready for a feast and some great fun!
正因爲有了你們這些忠誠勤奮的員工,我們公司才有今天的成就。爲了感謝你們,我們特意在xxx酒店設宴,誠邀你和你的家人參與。 成功從來都不是一個人創造的,而是由你們每個人所付出的點滴所組成的。因此,我們很想邀請你們參加本週六舉辦的答謝晚宴,一同分享公司今年的美好成果。
Retirement Party 員工榮休晚會
Eat, drink and retired! You are invited to xxx’s (retired staff’s name) Retirement Party.
Retired means to start another life to do what you really like. Happy retirement! Please come and join us to send xxx (retired staff’s name) our best wishes on her Retirement Celebration Party.
We all know that xxx (retired staff’s name) has diligently worked for us for more than 20 years, now it’s time for his retirement. Let’s celebrate for him in this special occasion.
We cordially invite you to attend the Retirement Party in honor of xxx (retired staff’s name) and thank him for his hard work in our company. xxx先生,非常感謝你這20年來爲公司兢兢業業的服務。在此獻上我們最真摯的祝福。。
我們很捨不得你xxx, 你和我們一齊並肩作戰了數十載,見證了公司的每一步發展。但我們也很替你開心,終於能夠忘卻日以繼夜的開會和工作,放鬆心情陪伴家人。祝退休快樂!
我們都知道xxx已經爲我們盡心盡力服務了30年,在他榮休之際,誠邀各位齊來參與他的退休派對,讓我們好好享受彼此的陪伴。 |